

Petrosound has been adhering to the concept of "innovation-oriented, leading the trends, sincerity and trustworthiness, harmony and win-win" and the purpose of "developing science and benefiting the people" for many years. Forward-looking needs, with the goal of becoming a world-class enterprise, is committed to becoming an enterprise that "respects life, cares about health, cherishes the environment, and has a sense of social responsibility". While creating high-quality products, we create social value and contribute to a harmonious and beautiful world.

创新为本 Innovation-based


Regard quality as life, make innovation a habit of ours, keep improving and never end;


Provide an open, positive and inclusive relaxed atmosphere that encourages new ideas;


Combining the key points and requirements of staged development,seek new ideas, new technologies and new methods actively , promote technological progress continuously and steadily, Optimize management, and reform continuously.

引领潮流 Lead the trend


Focus on the continuous innovation of geophysical technology, and transform innovative applications into products and services with international influence;Lead the development and trend of seismic detection technology.

真诚守信 Sincere and trustworthy


Our business is based on honesty, reliability, commitment and trustworthiness;we advocate the spirit of going forward in times of difficulties and taking on the burdens bravely and surpass ourself constantly.

和谐共赢 Harmony and win-win


In the spirit of equal competition and harmonious coexistence, we will develop in coordination with our partners and establish a long-term win-win strategic partnership;


People-oriented, providing employees with a fair competition career development stage, and realizing the common growth of employees and enterprises;


Focus on health, protect the environment, fulfill social responsibilities, and act as a responsible corporate citizenship.


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